Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Albert Einstein

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Outlaw Star

What's beyond that sea, I wonder.  The children leave their homes in search of this quest.  As they search, they are always asking questions.  What's out there?  What's waiting for me?  Leaving their innocence behind, they set out on this journey, and experience many life changing adventures.  Countless difficulties lie in wait.  Moments of despair, the lure of the razor's edge.  There's always hope, joy, meeting new friends.  They face challenges, but in the process, they come to find themselves.  This.. is a journey.  When they have conquered a new land, yet another sea is reflected in their eyes.  What's beyond that sea?

Pinaero on Life

Humans fucking freak me out bro.  I can't classify it.

We are so weak and stupid. We destroy, take and pollute.  We are so beautiful and intricate. Modern day medical science still has not full understood everything about us.  We can fail and our wills can break.  We can travel to the moon and back! Send probes to nearby planets. And in the same day, decide we don't want to drive to the store because it's "too far to drive to get a case of soda."  Some of us spend everything we have to alter out appearance.  Others pay no mind and in that, they wear their weathering in an extremely admirable fashion.  We can rape, kill and emotionally batter each other.  Or thousands unite to embrace a single life.  How would one classify our species to a visitor from another world?  So many dedicate entire lifetimes to religion without question.  Look at the common household cat or dog.  Domesticated over the years, and even "strays" are accustomed to interaction with humans in one way or another when an animal befriends you there is a bond and a communication on a level higher than langauge.  Yet we often fail to find the words that mean the most to our loved ones when it matters the most.  The very necessities for life on this planet that allow us to coexist are naturally imprinted in us, but over time through our own disregard, they deteriorate in the name of social evolution.  The very things that made our ancestors great when pioneering in new things and brand new lands have built the foundation for which we not only take for granted, but no longer value and only see as burdens.  Lives lost, and lists of loved, all gone so that someone can have the right to say "I fucking hate that bitch" in a tweet from their iPad. 

I wish there was a way, an event that could take place, that could unite us all and fix all that is wrong in the world.  But that would require me to be perfect, and of absolute true right, to be able to even grasp what should be said to be right, and what must be cast away.  And if I were even to ascend to such great importance, I would realize there is exactly nothing that I would need to change or alter.

For life is exactly the way it was meant to be.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Dreams are prey and should be hunted, stalked, decapitated and devoured. And when you've sucked the last bit of marrow from the bones, mount the head on a wall, enjoy it for a moment and begin planning your next hunt.

Attack your dreams now or be attacked by them later.

As madmen believe they are god, we think we are mortal.